.NET VS JAVA (.NET VS JAVA which one is better)

With the continuous arrival of the new technologies in the IT market, your decision for it is likewise changing the programming languages is also changing. This makes the task of selecting one among all the languages a tough job. However, .NE T and JAVA are both popular programming technologies. Many businesses utilize them for building web apps and websites and choose them as an immediate solution. Microsoft .NET and JAVA are two programming languages that permit you to work on server-side and desktop applications.
Java and .NET are both renowned and famous languages that have been involved in the competition for years. Both languages have various advantages, benefits, and many more. Java and .NET both create large applications with very similar user-friendly functionality and dynamic experiences. Both .NET and Java are already a kind of win. Both are robust software frameworks used to develop and support desktop and server-side applications. However, if you are searching to pick the best one for your project. Therefore, we have decided to solve this complexity once and all, comparing the two most programming technologies that are immensely used to the development of websites, web apps, and software.
In this blog, we will compare Java and .NET that will help you select the best programming language based on your needs. Let’s get started.
What is .NET?
.NET is an open-source framework developed by Microsoft. .NET framework is pronounced as dot net. .NET gives various languages editors and libraries to build for web, mobile, desktop, games and loT. In 2016 Microsoft introduced .NET core, which changed the framework's position in the industry. For example, you won’t code or execute produced apps on Linux, Windows or iOS. .NET framework 4.8 is currently regarded as ancient equipment, but .NET 5 is being effectively used to construct applications. .NET also contains a common language runtime that executes compiled source code. .NET is used for various functions like accessing the data from a database. To develop a brilliant user interface and network applications.
What is Java?
Sun Microsystems released Java in 1995. Java also provides a Java Virtual machine (JVM) that permits code to run on any operating system. With the help of java, we can develop and deliver global standards, mobile and web applications, enterprise applications, games, and web-based content, etc. It is also considered to be a portable language like python. Ruby etc. Java is used for various functions like web applications, desktop applications, Big data technologies, loT applications etc.
Basic Difference between .NET and JAVA
.Net is mainly considered to be a framework. It is mainly focused on windows and highly supports various versions of Windows. Additionally, .Net supports languages like C#, C++, VB.net and more. It supports various web services by default as its built-in. Java is a programming language and works on any operating system (OS). Java gives a JAVA Virtual Machine, which ensures code should run on any device and any operating system. However, so it is known as a portable language. The java languages also support Ruby, Python, etc.
Advantages of Using JAVA
- Independent platform: - Java code can run on any machine. It does not require any installation of any special software. Only one thing should be kept in mind: It doesn't require any special software installation.
- Security: - First thing, java provides better security as it has no explicit pointer. It gives a full-fledged security manager that describes and manages the classes and their access.
- Multiprocessing: -It offers extraordinary potential for multithreading where a program can perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
- Memory allocation: - In java the memory is separated into two various parts: heap and stack. If you declare any variable in JVM then it gives memory from either heap or stack space. It also allows us to store and manage the information.
- JVM: -All knows very well that java run on JVM which provides many developers friendly mechanism. It’s not necessary always to use purely java you can also develop code with various methods which include Groovy, Scala, kotlin that run on the JVM.
Advantages of Using .NET
- Object-oriented programming: - .Net is based on the object-oriented programming called OOP, where software is separated into smaller modules that permit developers to work on them concurrently. All pieces are completed by .NET developers, where developers combine and manage them effectively.
- Cross-platform development: - .Net offers seamless cross-platform application development for various operating systems. It is an open-source framework that permits developers to make necessary changes to cater to their business demands.
- Visual Studio IDE: - When it comes to the visual studio IDE, which permits developers to build software without any hassle, they publish them on different operating systems and platforms.
- Cross platform development: - .Net offers cross platform development for various operating systems. It is good for the developers who highly prefer various programming languages. However, it is an open source framework that highly permits developers to make necessary changes to cater to their business demands.
- Easy Deployment: - With the use of .Net deployment is very easy. Important in the case of any future issues and bugs. It is not necessary to wade through the code only just find that line that is making it difficult.
Where is .NET used for?
.Net is highly used in various ways as follows.
- Client applications
- Gaming
- Web application and website development
- Working with complex algorithms
- Used data from databases
Where. Is JAVA used for?
Java is used in various ways as follows.
- Desktop based application
- Web and mobile application development
- IoT application
- Gaming applications
- Different cloud-based application
.NET Vs. Java main differences between the technologies
- Developed: - .Net is developed by Microsoft and Java is developed by Sun Microsystem.
- Execution: - .Net needs CLR (common Language Runtime) for execution it means during runtime. Java needs a JVM Java virtual machine for the execution means during runtime.
- Type: - .Net is a cross platform, open-source software framework highly used for developing software applications. While java is an object-oriented and platform independent high level programming language.
- Support OS: .Net only supports the Windows Operating system while Java supports a third-party system multiple operating system.
- Languages Support: - .Net support various languages windows-oriented web services like C#, C++, and visual basics can work. Java code is highly portable and can be executed in any OS through JVM. It supports various languages like Python, Ruby, JavaScript’s, and is also supported.
- IDE:-.NET has standard IDE (Integrated Development environment) while Java multiple third-party IDEs Integrated development environment is available. Multiple third-party IDEs such as Eclipse, NetBeans, etc.
- Coding Speed: - .NET is better than java in terms of coding speed. However, .net is an object-oriented technology that compresses various reusable components, allowing Java developers to build applications in less time. While as compared to .net Java gives a different thread that streamlines the processing and management. However, it is not at the level in comparison with .net.
- Performance:- .Net is quicker than Java. Java is highly developed and has a lot of the tools to scale the performance. However, java is still not as fast as .NET.
Wrapping up: - Both .Net and Java are performing frameworks in 2018 software development. The decision to choose which one is best depends on your requirements. .NET development is a highly useful framework while java is a typical programming language. However, if you are not still not final about the technology which fits your software project then never delay to contact us.